The .NET News Daily Issue #133

Your Daily Dose of .NET Insights, Tools, and Trends

Hey there, seasoned code whisperers! On this vibrant Friday, as we power into the weekend, it's time to rev your engines and take a pit stop with our .NET newsletter. Let’s reflect on the tools and tricks fueling our dev journeys, while seizing some pearls of wisdom from the tech highway. Shift gears into the latest articles, as they might just fine-tune that project sitting in your repo garage. Happy coding and may your weekend be as smooth as a perfectly executed lambda expression!

Today's Articles

C# .NET 9 — Integrating OpenAI: AI Factory
C# .NET 9 — Integrating OpenAI: AI Factory

Learn how to integrate OpenAI with .NET by creating an AI Factory using GPT to retrieve various data types dynamically based on user…

Event Sourcing: The Game-Changer in ASP.NET Core
Event Sourcing: The Game-Changer in ASP.NET Core

Beyond Traditional State Management and Discover the Power of Event Sourcing for Consistency, Scalability, and Real-Time Insights

NCache vs. Redis
NCache vs. Redis

Choosing the Right Distributed Caching Solution

Doctors generate faster, more accurate medical charts with Sayvant and Azure Cosmos DB
Doctors generate faster, more accurate medical charts with Sayvant and Azure Cosmos DB

This article is guest authored by Justin Mardjuki, CEO, Sayvant. Emergency rooms and urgent care facilities handle an estimated 350 million visits each year. Acute care environments are fast-paced, un...

Exploring the Depths of C# Expression Trees
Exploring the Depths of C# Expression Trees

A Complete Guide to Boosting Performance and Flexibility in .NET DevelopmentContinue reading on Level Up Coding »

Convention-Based Middleware
Convention-Based Middleware

💡 Explanation of Convention-Based Middleware

Mocking Multiple Calls with SetupSequence()
Mocking Multiple Calls with SetupSequence()

When writing unit tests, you may encounter scenarios where a method under test calls the same dependency multiple times, and you need to…

Mastering CQRS and Event Sourcing in .NET 8: From Theory to Production
Set up dbt for Fabric SQL Database
Set up dbt for Fabric SQL Database

Learn how to set up and use the dbt-sqlserver adapter for Microsoft Fabric SQL Database to transform data, run models, and validate results using dbt’s SQL-based transformation framework.

Blazor vs Traditional ASP.NET (MVC/WebForms): A Comparison
Blazor vs Traditional ASP.NET (MVC/WebForms): A Comparison

Blazor is a web framework by Microsoft that enables building interactive web apps using C# and .NET. It supports Blazor Server (server-side) and Blazor WebAssembly (client-side) for modern, real-time,...

How to Add Swagger in .NET 9?
How to Add Swagger in .NET 9?

Swagger is an essential tool for documenting and testing APIs. In .NET 9. In .NET 9, Swagger integration requires manual setup by adding the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package and configuring it in ...

The Modern Way to Manage C# Business Rules: Rule Engine Pattern
The Modern Way to Manage C# Business Rules: Rule Engine Pattern

A modern C# pattern for managing business rules, offering centralized control, high testability & optimal performance through Result…

Introducing Azure OpenAI Realtime API Support in JavaScript
Introducing Azure OpenAI Realtime API Support in JavaScript

Introducing the new Realtime API support in the OpenAI JavaScript library, enabling developers to create highly interactive and responsive applications by instantly sending and receiving messages from...

How Organizations Became Stuck on Outdated .NET Versions
How Organizations Became Stuck on Outdated .NET Versions

IntroductionContinue reading on .Net Programming »

The Circuit Breaker Pattern
The Circuit Breaker Pattern

As software engineering continues to evolve, resilience and reliability remain fundamental .The Circuit Breaker Pattern ( get inspiratired…

New JSON query language and .net implementation
New JSON query language and .net implementation

Recently there is a new json query language — “JSON Query” which is simple, expandable, cross platform and its syntax is human friendly…

Mastering Exception Handling in C#
Mastering Exception Handling in C#

Learn how to handle exceptions like a pro in C#, with modern techniques that simplify error handling, improve maintainability, and ensure…

How to Give Your .NET AI App a Memory: A Developer’s Guide to Persistent LLM Storage
How to Give Your .NET AI App a Memory: A Developer’s Guide to Persistent LLM Storage

I was recently working on a conversational AI project, building a chatbot for customer support. As I delved deeper, I realized a…Continue reading on ByteHide »

A generic factory implementation in .NET
A generic factory implementation in .NET

In software development, using design patterns such as the Factory Pattern is essential to ensure code flexibility and scalability. In the…

Dynamic Object Behavior in C# .NET: Exploring the State Pattern
Dynamic Object Behavior in C# .NET: Exploring the State Pattern

In software development, we often face the challenge of changing an object’s behavior based on its internal state. Instead of cluttering…

ConcurrentQueue<T> em C#: O que é, quando usar e como aproveitar ao máximo
ConcurrentQueue em C#: O que é, quando usar e como aproveitar ao máximo

No desenvolvimento de software moderno, a concorrência é um conceito essencial. Com a popularização de processadores multi-core e a…