The .NET News Daily Issue #131

Your Daily Dose of .NET Insights, Tools, and Trends

Ah, Wednesday—our halfway hero in the weekly coding marathon! As you sip your coffee (or third cup, no judgment here), gear up for a midweek insight boost with our .NET newsletter. From channeling your inner code warrior to unlocking the secrets of C# magic, today's curation promises a quirky twist that'll have your brain buzzing like a classic ‘90s modem. Time to get those gears turning, GenX style!

Today's Articles

Keyed Services in ASP.NET Core Middleware
Keyed Services in ASP.NET Core Middleware

💡 Keyed services provide a way to register and resolve services based on a key, allowing for flexibility in service resolution. With the…

How I Solved a Memory Leak in .NET: Using Memory Profiling and Object Pooling
How I Solved a Memory Leak in .NET: Using Memory Profiling and Object Pooling

Effective Strategies for Detecting and Resolving Memory Leaks in .NET Applications

10 Weird Facts About C# You’ve Never Heard Before
10 Weird Facts About C# You’ve Never Heard Before

If programming languages were a family, C# would be the overachieving sibling who keeps surprising everyone with hidden talents.

Exploring Advanced Caching Patterns in .NET: Part 2
Exploring Advanced Caching Patterns in .NET: Part 2

Optimizing .NET Applications with Advanced Caching Patterns: Cache-Aside, Read-Through, Write-Through, Write-Behind, and Write-Around with…

Overview of Alexinea ()from the .NET Core Community Group
Overview of Alexinea ()from the .NET Core Community Group

This post will cover the pros and cons of Alexinea.

Integrating Stripe Payment Gateway in ASP.NET Core MVC
Integrating Stripe Payment Gateway in ASP.NET Core MVC

Learn how to integrate Stripe Payment Gateway into an ASP.NET Core MVC application, enabling secure online payments with Stripe Checkout. The solution covers API setup, payment session creation, and h...

Secure Your Asp.Net Core Web API: Cookie-Based Authentication with Google Login
Secure Your Asp.Net Core Web API: Cookie-Based Authentication with Google Login

Implementing Cookie-Based Authentication with Google Login for Robust Security

Missed the Last 10 Years of C#? Read This (Quick) Guide
Missed the Last 10 Years of C#? Read This (Quick) Guide

#3 — The main language feature are still thereContinue reading on Level Up Coding »

C# Output And Comments [Chapter — 3]
C# Output And Comments [Chapter — 3]

How to comment and types of output in C#Continue reading on C# Simplified »

Using .NET on Linux
Using .NET on Linux

I’ve been using .NET on Linux for many years now. When it came out the first thing I built was a console application I was mildly impressed to see it output “Hello Linux!”, but then a few minutes late...

Using API Key and JWT Bearer Authentication Together in ASP.NET Core Web API
Using API Key and JWT Bearer Authentication Together in ASP.NET Core Web API

Hi! I’ll guide how to implement both JWT and API Key authentication at the same endpoint in ASP.NET Core Web API. Combining these…

How to Enable CORS in a .NET 9 API
How to Enable CORS in a .NET 9 API

Learn how to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a .NET API to allow requests from different domains. Configure CORS policies in the Program.cs, set allowed origins, and ensure security by ...

15 Amazing Things You Can Do with Simple C#
15 Amazing Things You Can Do with Simple C#

C# is quite a powerful language for building from web applications to game engines, but there is so much simplicity in some wonderful…Continue reading on .Net Programming »

Semi Auto Implemented Properties in .NET 9
Semi Auto Implemented Properties in .NET 9

Semi Auto implemented Properties is currently Preview feature of C#13. This feature really helps Enhanced readability and reduced boilerplate code while declaring properties in class files.

Unlocking the Power of SemaphoreSlim in C# for Efficient Concurrency
Unlocking the Power of SemaphoreSlim in C# for Efficient Concurrency

Concurrency control is critical in C# applications that deal with shared resources, like databases or APIs, especially in asynchronous…

How to Build an SMTP Server for Receiving and Parsing Emails in .NET Core
What are some built-in accessibility features in .NET MAUI?
What is my favorite VS Code feature for .NET MAUI development?
Mastering NuGet: The Key to .NET Package Management
Mastering NuGet: The Key to .NET Package Management

Learn how to install, configure, and manage dependencies efficiently using NuGet CLI, Package Manager, and repositories. Explore best practices for package creation, versioning, and publishing to stre...

Temporal.IO in .NET
Temporal.IO in .NET

Say goodbye to workflow nightmares: Simplify your distributed workflow with Temporal.IO

Minimal API VS FastEndpoints in C#
Minimal API VS FastEndpoints in C#

FastEndpoints represent a high-performance alternative to Minimal APIs in.NET.

How Architecture Improved My Coding Skills in C#
How Architecture Improved My Coding Skills in C#

When I began to code in C#, I was like other developers. My focus was simply on so