The .NET News Daily Issue #119

Your Daily Dose of .NET Insights, Tools, and Trends

It's Monday, and while the coffee's brewing, it's time to turbocharge your .NET skills with our handpicked selection for the week. Today’s spotlight isn’t on VCRs or cassette tapes, no – we’re talking cutting-edge, with tips that'll have your code purring like a well-oiled 1970s Pontiac. Let’s make this week the one where your legacy system regrets it ever dared to challenge your .NET prowess. Scroll on, because innovation waits for no one.

Today's Articles

Building Scalable Applications with .NET 8, Blazor, and Microservices
Building Scalable Applications with .NET 8, Blazor, and Microservices

Explore how to leverage .NET 8, Blazor, and microservices to build scalable apps with API integration and event-driven architecture.Continue reading on Medium »

Exploring .NET Aspire: Simplifying Cloud-Native Development with Ease
Exploring .NET Aspire: Simplifying Cloud-Native Development with Ease

Discover .NET Aspire cloud-native development with tools for service orchestration, dependency management, and real-time monitoring.Continue reading on Medium »

AssemblyLoadContext in C#
AssemblyLoadContext in C#

The AssemblyLoadContext class in .NET Core and later is a mechanism for loading and managing assemblies at runtime. It provides a way to…Continue reading on Medium »

Comparing Raw ASP.NET Request Throughput across Versions: 8.0 to 9.0 Edition
Comparing Raw ASP.NET Request Throughput across Versions: 8.0 to 9.0 Edition

Whenever a new release of .NET comes out, I run a comparison test of versions using some of my own load testing tools and in this post I look at .NET 8.0 to 9.0. These posts tend to be a bit ramblin...

Cache CORS Preflight Requests
Cache CORS Preflight Requests

Almost all applications are using CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow the client to access the resources from the server. When the client sends a request to the server, the server will respo...

ASP.NET 8 – Using Bootstrap 5 Themes
ASP.NET 8 – Using Bootstrap 5 Themes

This article covers selecting and installing themes, configuring settings in appsettings.json, passing theme data to views, and managing UI consistency across different themes for a professional web a...

Singleton vs Static: The Performance Dilemma
Singleton vs Static: The Performance Dilemma

You ever find yourself in the middle of debugging or optimizing code, only to realize you’ve stumbled into one of the age-old debates of…Continue reading on Towards Dev »

Aspect Injector in .Net
Aspect Injector in .Net

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) yapısını kullanarak yazılım projelerinde kod tekrarını en aza indirmek ve yönetilebilirliği artırmak…Continue reading on Medium »

ASP.NET Core user application access token management
ASP.NET Core user application access token management

This article looks at management application access tokens in an ASP.NET Core web application. Any application with or without a user can use application access tokens as long as the application can p...

Multithreaded Work Synchronization in C#/.NET — Part 1
Multithreaded Work Synchronization in C#/.NET — Part 1

When you begin your journey with multithreading, you’ll quickly encounter challenges related to accessing resources shared between…Continue reading on Jit Team »

Integrating AI and Machine Learning Models with ASP.Net Hosting
Integrating AI and Machine Learning Models with ASP.Net Hosting

Integrating AI and Machine Learning Models with ASP.Net Hosting

Strongly Typed Identifiers In C#
Strongly Typed Identifiers In C#

An introduction to strongly-typed identifiers in C#.Continue reading on Towards Dev »

Using Roslyn to analyze and rewrite code in a solution
Using Roslyn to analyze and rewrite code in a solution

I've written a lot about Roslyn in the context of Roslyn Analyzers and Source Generators. You can also use Roslyn as a library to analyze and generate code. For instance, you can create a console appl...

Real-Time Communication with ASP.NET Core and SignalRe
Real-Time Communication with ASP.NET Core and SignalRe

1. Scope of This ArticleContinue reading on Medium »

Learn about Delegates And Events
Learn about Delegates And Events

Delegates and events are key concepts in C#. A delegate is a variable that holds a reference to a method, allowing flexible method calls. Events use the publisher-subscriber model, where a publisher t...

C# is the way — Debugging
C# is the way — Debugging

learn C sharp — series 4Continue reading on 2B +1% better 2day »

The power of Aggressive Inlining in .NET and C#
The power of Aggressive Inlining in .NET and C#

If you browse through certain libraries or the .NET Runtime from time to time, you will notice that the attribute…Continue reading on Medialesson »

Dynamic EventIds in .NET Structured Logging: A Clean Approach
Dynamic EventIds in .NET Structured Logging: A Clean Approach

In enterprise applications, proper logging is crucial for monitoring, debugging, and maintaining system health. When dealing with…Continue reading on Medium »

Extending Regular Expressions (Regex) Support on Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI)
Extending Regular Expressions (Regex) Support on Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI)

We are happy to announce the Private Preview of Regular Expressions (Regex) support on Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI). This new feature brings powerful text processing capabilities to your SQL querie...

ASP.NET Core Request Logging — Chris Hibler
ASP.NET Core Request Logging — Chris Hibler

Creating Request Logging Middleware in ASP.NET CoreContinue reading on Medium »

The Secret Behind Software Magic: How Creational Design Patterns Solve Complex Problems in .NET
The Secret Behind Software Magic: How Creational Design Patterns Solve Complex Problems in .NET

Introduction: A Story About the Power of CreationImagine you’re building a magical factory, one where every button press conjures…Continue reading on Medium »