The .NET News Daily Issue #108

Your Daily Dose of .NET Insights, Tools, and Trends

Happy Friday, fellow coders! As we usher in the weekend, let's take a moment to reflect on the week we've built—brick by .NET brick. Like a classic car humming down the highway, our curated articles are tuned and polished for peak performance, ready to fuel your journey into the genius of cross-platform development. Grab your coffee and take a pit stop with us; you'll find insights worth the speed.

Today's Articles

Visualize Data Structures in VS Code
Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.4! Partial properties support for MVVM, new analyzers, and more!
Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.4! Partial properties support for MVVM, new analyzers, and more!

We're happy to announce the official launch of the .NET Community Toolkit 8.4 release, featuring support for partial properties for the MVVM Toolkit generators, new analyzers, bug fixes and enhancemen...

Why Exceptions Should Be Exceptional?
Why Exceptions Should Be Exceptional?

In an article by Matt Warren, he effectively explains why exceptions should be truly exceptional. The key point is that the use of…

Mastering Middleware in ASP.NET Core: My Journey and Key Takeaways
Mastering Middleware in ASP.NET Core: My Journey and Key Takeaways

Middleware is at the heart of every ASP.NET Core application, serving as the pipeline that processes requests and responses. Today, I…

Year in review: 2024
Year in review: 2024

A review of the changes in 2024 and my plans for 2025.

Important: Switching CDN providers
Important: Switching CDN providers

The current content delivery network (CDN) provider Edgio, used by Azure DevOps is retiring. We’re urgently transitioning to a solution served by Akamai and Azure Front Door CDNs to maintain the respo...

Mastering Delegates in C# 12: Action, Func, and Default Parameters
Mastering Delegates in C# 12: Action, Func, and Default Parameters

With the release of C# 12, developers have even more powerful tools at their disposal to streamline their code the delegate default parameters. One of the significant enhancements is the support for d...

10 Essential Libraries Every .NET Developer Should Know
10 Essential Libraries Every .NET Developer Should Know

A .NET Developer’s Toolkit for Efficient and Effective Coding

Effortless Token Refresh with Refit in C#: A Step-by-Step Guide
.NET Object Mapping: How We Process $2M Worth of Stock Trades Every Minute
.NET Object Mapping: How We Process $2M Worth of Stock Trades Every Minute

Our object mapping strategy couldn’t handle the scale…

Enhancing Application Insights with Serilog and SEQ
Enhancing Application Insights with Serilog and SEQ

In this article, we will learn how to enhance application insights using Serilog and SEQ, two powerful tools for structured logging and real-time log analysis.

Navigating Challenges: The Impact of Unmet Sprint Goals on Agile Projects
Navigating Challenges: The Impact of Unmet Sprint Goals on Agile Projects

The impact of not meeting a sprint goal can vary based on the project's nature, stakeholders' expectations, and the Agile team's ability to adapt. Here's a detailed look at the potential impact on the...

Mastering ASP.NET
Mastering ASP.NET

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